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English Learner Program

Camdenton English Learner Program

The English Learner (EL) Program at Camdenton is part of the District’s Student Services. An EL-certified teacher provides additional support to students who speak a language other than English at home. Additionally, this teacher works closely with teachers, and families to meet the needs of each student. The type of support a student receives varies based on each student’s English proficiency and demonstrated need. The primary goal of this program is to help students become successful with academic and social language so that they can excel in school and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When students enroll at Camdenton, each family completes a Home Language Survey. If this information indicates that a student speaks a language other than English, the student will complete a WIDA Screener to determine his or her English proficiency level. Based on the results of this screener, a student will be admitted into the EL  program and receive support based on his or her individual needs.

  • Each year students in the EL Program take the WIDA ACCESS. This assessment determines a students English proficiency in the domains of speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

  • ELs are eligible to exit the EL Program once they receive a 4.7 or higher on the ACCESS. Additionally, students can exit through a portfolio that demonstrates English proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

  • A student’s home language is equally as important as English. There are many benefits to being bilingual (or multilingual). Families are encouraged to continue to develop the home language at home.